

"For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto sanctification. Therefore whoever despises this despises not man, but God, who hath given us also his Holy Spirit." 

1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 

THOUGHT: It's easy to ignore the call to holiness in the world we live in by many different standards. The enemy makes us compare our lifestyles with those around us, deceiving us into downplaying our sins against the sins of others. But the point is not to compare our sins; the point is to have a thankful heart, purified by the Holy Spirit and saved by grace. To ignore, or minimize, the Spirit's call to holiness is to reject God. Let's be zealous for the sanctity of our lives, both because that's what God wants from us, and because that's what we should seek.

Prayer: Father, beloved and dear, give us strength in prayer, in reading the Holy Bible and may we be vigilant every day, you called us to sanctification, continue with us in Jesus' name. Amen.