

"So now also ye have sorrow; but again I will see you; your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one can take away. In that day you will ask me nothing. he will grant it to you in my name." 

John 16:22-23 

Thought: Many times, when we face adversity, we think that we are not going to stand it, it makes us afflicted, we feel unwilling to laugh and rejoice. Jesus is saying that our joy no one can take away. on this day, lift your head and know that God is in control of your life, he knows you, he searches your heart, and in the sincerity of it our father grants the petition for his infinite mercy, 

Prayer: Lord God and eternal Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, before your presence, we stand and at this time I for that person who is sincere before you and may she rejoice that day and trust you, have faith open your heart and in the face of a righteous life, you will grant the request and the name of the Lord will be glorified in your life. I who pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.