

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; delivered me from all my fears. 

Psalms 34:4 

- When he made this Psalm, David was going through tribulations and persecutions. Faced with a fearful scenario, David sought the Lord and received deliverance from the hand of Abimelech. Facing fear is part of learning in the Christian life. There will be times when fear can prevent you from fulfilling God's will, and in those times we must do as David did: seek the Lord! 

- Fear can paralyze us in the face of challenges that require faith and boldness. We cannot be satisfied with this situation. If you feel that you cannot go forward in faith, turn to God from whom all strength and power come. God responds to those who truly seek and frees them from the fears that prevent them from doing the Father's will. 

Whoever seeks God does not go unanswered! 

- Don't be afraid to open your heart to God! Talk to Him about your fears and what ails you. 

- Read the Bible. When we meditate on the Word of God, we clarify our understanding and strengthen our faith.

- Seek the Holy Spirit. He is our helper and guides us through difficulties.

To Pray: Lord God, be with us every day, may our faith be increased by you and that we come to trust. He encourages us every day to talk about His love. so I put myself in your hands. Lord, deliver us from all evil and pour out your grace on us! In the name of Jesus. Amen!