

" Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shem, and called its name Ebenezer; and he said, Hitherto has the LORD helped us." 

1 Samuel 7:12 

Thought: 'What do you think has helped you so far? That's right, since you were born until this exact moment you are reading this message? You may be listing several answers: study, intelligence, luck, in short, many, many answers. But truly there is only one: the Lord! He himself tells us that he knows us before we are formed in our mother's womb; who have our strands of hair counted and none fall if He does not permit it; that has our name engraved in the palms of His Hands, therefore, believe that no matter what moment you are living, that sadness is taking over your heart, that tribulation is trying to prevent you from walking, that Red Sea rose in yours ahead, what a hot furnace they threw you, what a pit you just fell, it doesn't matter. It does matter, that the One who created you to perfection, is Powerful to free you inside the furnace, at the bottom of the lions' den, open the Sea, release the paths and remove all sadness from your heart, because only HE is the one who can help you at all times, giving deliverances and creating whatever it takes to protect you, help and bless you. Answer now, in a loud voice: "So far the Lord has helped me", ALELUIA!"

Prayer: Lord God and our Father, thank you for taking care of us every minute of our life, for being with us in every situation, for Your faithfulness at all times, and how good my God can speak: so far it has helped me Sir! in the name of Jesus, I thank you, Amen!