

 "I asked one thing of the Lord, and I will seek it: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. '

 Psalm 27: 4 

Obedience flows from trust and trust is revealed through obedience. The Lord's will in our lives is good, perfect and pleasant. Jesus said to him: I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he is dead, will live; And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. To be nourished spiritually, we need to read the Bible, go to church to hear the Word of God, learn from Jesus, walk in His ways, practice His teachings and allow Him to work in our lives. Thus we will be sure that we will contemplate great wonders to be performed by Jesus and soon we will sing the hymn of victory. Is it health? Sentimental area? Familiar? Are you missing a job? Or is it the conversion of someone you love very much? It doesn't matter He will !!! We are loved by God and He always takes care of every detail in our life, and acts in the supernatural, although we do not see, He is doing, just as Joshua came to the promised land, and saw that the land was good, believe, his land it is good in the eyes of God. Perhaps today you are going through a difficult situation, and the only thing that comes to mind in saying is DON'T GIVE UP, DON'T STOP BELIEVING! God's dreams will not die. 

PRAYER: You are a holy project of the Lord, one day He had a dream about you and today you are this beautiful and special person .. If these words came to you it is because God prepared them for you to read .. To remind you that He loves you. So let every word penetrate your heart and right there where you are !!! Contemplate the presence of the Lord in your life .. And trust Him !!! Today everything will be fine, feel the joy, peace and love that comes from the throne of God. Pray: Lord, thank you for being this way, because the Lord designed me, teach me your ways and deliver me from my enemies. In the name of Jesus. Amen.