

My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 

John 10:27

Jesus said that his sheep do 2 things: they listen to him and follow him. God guides those who are saved. It is a great privilege to be able to hear God's voice through the Bible and the Holy Spirit, but that is not enough. We need to obey.

When we recognize the voice of God, we must pay attention to what He says. Many people hear the word of God but choose to ignore it in order to continue living in sin. Whoever does this is not living as a disciple. Being a disciple means being a follower of Jesus, just as a sheep follows its shepherd. And when we follow Jesus, our lives are transformed! 

Start following Jesus today: 

- Dedicate your life to Jesus, recognizing him as your savior 

_ Read the Bible, to hear the voice of God

- Take time to pray (this will help you recognize the voice of Jesus) 

- Ask for God's guidance in your life 

- Obey God's commandments 

To pray: Lord, I know that you are my shepherd, that you take care of me. I want to learn to recognize when you are talking to me. Please help me to listen to your word and to obey. Show me how I should live and give me the strength to follow Jesus. Amen.