

For this is the love of God: to obey his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. 

1st John 5: 3

How difficult is it for parents of a newborn baby to follow the entire list of care and demands that a little boy demands? For those who are not yet a parent, you can even think about the difficulty of: waking up at dawn, changing diapers, breastfeeding, bathing, baby bottles, baby food, sleeping, colic massages, calming and so many other things ... and repeated times. But, certainly, following this journey is not painful for parents. It is a tiring challenge, but it is totally rewarding and exciting. It's because? Because they love their little baby ...

In the same way, if we love God, His commandments are not hard for us. It is not distressing to follow them, because we love the Lord. Jesus once told His disciples that they would be his friends if they did what He commanded (John 15:14). Obedience is the first proof that we love the Lord. When we keep His commandments, we reveal that we truly love Him. But the most wonderful thing is that this obedience does not harm us. On the contrary, it is good for us and results in peace and encouragement in our hearts.

Love and obey God more!

- Pray to God and give thanks for the lightness and grace of His commandments. 

- Reflect for a few moments: Do you love God? Have you obeyed His commandments?

- Before you obey, you must know and believe. Read daily and listen to preachings from the Holy Bible.

- Ask God to help you learn and obey His commandments.

- Rather than listen, seek to practice God's commandments. They boil down to loving Jesus and neighbor.

- Has anything been heavy? Read Matthew 11: 25-30. Share your burden with Jesus.

- Share God's love to those around you ...

To Pray: 

Lord my God, thank you because the Lord does not suffocate us with heavier demands than we can bear. On the contrary, Your commandments are simple and true. Help me to obey them daily, without hiding or cowering. I thank You, because the Lord loved me first and has taught me to love in spirit and in truth. I love you, oh God! May my love be seen in practice, in faith and in obedience to Your Word. In the name of Jesus, amen!