

Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation; indeed, the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak. 

Matthew 26:41 

Of these 2 orders of Jesus, "watch" may seem to be a more passive attitude than "praying", but both are equally active. Both prayer and vigilance must be constant and well-executed in our lives. Zeal, prevention, observation and inspection are part of the consecrated life of the Christian. Jesus in Gethsemane was in deep suffering and anguish when He spoke these words, but His closest friends could not watch in prayer with Him. Sleep (spiritual) as well as the distractions of this life, keep us from overseeing our lives and pray as needed. Stay tuned! Flesh is weak and our Enemy knows it. Be prepared to guard and care for what really matters: God's purpose, your spiritual life, and your heart.

 Watching and praying without ceasing! 

- Be active and alert! Pray, take care of yourself, and ask God to help you keep these commandments. 

- Beware of distractions. Major accidents happen due to 1 distracted driver. Focus on God and His Word. 

- Do not let your guard down in times of peace or war. The Devil is always looking for those who can engulf and destroy (1 Peter 5:8). 

- Put on the complete armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-17). 

- The watchman needs to be in a constant state of alert and carefully monitor what needs to be stored. 

Pray: Lord my God, help me to pray and watch always, without losing heart. Sin and the temptations of life are always surrounding me on all sides. Only You, Lord, can help me to overcome all tiredness, distractions and lack of motivation. Sustain me by your Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. Amen!