

"And while we were dead in our crimes, he gave us life together with Christ."

 Ephesians 2: 5

 THOUGHT: This is the great mystery !!! This is the great work of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior !!! The salvation that He has brought us, the right to eternal life, full and abundant life, life for those who were dead, and now can have the joy of having a new life together with Christ. We often forget that we have been saved, that the grace of God has reached us, and all because God first loved us, unconditional love, even though we are not worthy, even so, our Father loved us. So we are going to rejoice, we are going to put our eyes up, we are going to put aside the harshness of life, and we are going to look at the things that await us in eternal life.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for your salvation, because I understand that if it were not through Jesus, I would never have access to eternal life. Thank you for your love, poured out on my life. Help me to understand and remember at every moment that the gift of salvation, which the Lord has already given us, is greater than any other need, and greater than any other gift. Forgive me, for the times I have mumbled, when I looked only at the things of this world, and forgot to contemplate His Kingdom, in which I will dwell for all eternity. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.